Source code for lotus_nlte.plot

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Aug 24 22:42:20 2020

@author: yangyangli

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
#import matplotlib.ticker as tck
plt.rc('axes', linewidth=2)

[docs]def plot_optimized_equilibrium(star, opt_stellarpars, fit_pars, REWs1, REWs2, chis1, chis2, abunds1, abunds2, abunds1_err=None, abunds2_err=None): """ Plot for abundances vs reduced EWs and abundances vs excitation potential given stellar parameters. Parameters ---------- star : str Name of star opt_stellarpars : dict Contains Teff, logg, vt and their uncertainty fit_pars : list [dict(linear fitting of A vs REW), dict(linear fitting of A vs chi)] REWs1 : list or ndarray Reduced EWs for FeI REWs2 : list or ndarray Reduced EWs for FeII chis1 : list or ndarray Excitation potential for FeI chis2 : list or ndarray Excitation potential for FeI abunds1 : list of ndarry Abundances of FeI abunds2 : list of ndarry Abundances of FeI abunds1_err :list of ndarray, optional Error of derived abundances of FeI (not implemeted yet). The default is None. abunds2_err : list of ndarray, optional Error of derived abundances of FeII (not implemeted yet). The default is None. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure plot for equiibira """ title = "%s\n $T_{eff}$ = %.2f $\pm$ %.2f K,\ $log$g = %.2f $\pm$ %.2f (cm $\\cdot$ $s^{-2}$),\ $\\left[Fe/H\\right]$ = %.2f $\pm$ %.2f,\ $V_{mic}$ = %.2f $\pm$ %.2f km/s" %(star, opt_stellarpars["Teff"][0], opt_stellarpars["Teff"][1], opt_stellarpars["logg"][0], opt_stellarpars["logg"][1], opt_stellarpars["feh"][0], opt_stellarpars["feh"][1], opt_stellarpars["Vmic"][0], opt_stellarpars["Vmic"][1]) from scipy.optimize import curve_fit def func_lw(x_lw, slope, offset): return slope*x_lw + offset if abunds1_err is not None: popt_Achi1, pcov_Achi1 = curve_fit(func_lw, chis1, abunds1, sigma=abunds1_err) popt_AREW1, pcov_AREW1 = curve_fit(func_lw, REWs1, abunds1, sigma=abunds1_err) else: popt_Achi1, pcov_Achi1 = curve_fit(func_lw, chis1, abunds1) popt_AREW1, pcov_AREW1 = curve_fit(func_lw, REWs1, abunds1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1, figsize=(12,7)) for a in ax: a.linewidth = 5 a.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", size=5, width=2.5, labelsize=10, direction="in") a.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", size=5, width=2.5, labelsize=10, direction="in") a.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', size=3, width=1.5, labelsize=5, direction="in") a.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', size=3, width=1.5, labelsize=5, direction="in") #axe.xaxis.set_minor_locator(tck.AutoMinorLocator()) #axe.yaxis.set_minor_locator(tck.AutoMinorLocator()) xs = [[REWs1, REWs2], [chis1, chis2]] ys = [abunds1, abunds2] yerrs = [abunds1_err, abunds2_err] popts = [popt_AREW1, popt_Achi1] cs = ["k", "r"] ax[0].set_title(title) xlabels = ["log(EW/$\lambda$)", "$\chi$(ev)"] for i, a in enumerate(ax): if (yerrs[i] is None) and (yerrs[i] is None): a.scatter(xs[i][0], ys[0], s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors=cs[0], linewidth=2) a.scatter(xs[i][1], ys[1], s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors=cs[1], linewidth=2) else: a.errorbar(xs[i][0], ys[0], yerrs[0], color=cs[0], fmt="o", capsize=2, alpha=1, ms=5) a.errorbar(xs[i][1], ys[1], yerrs[1], color=cs[1], fmt="o", capsize=2, alpha=1, ms=5) a.set_xlabel(xlabels[i], fontsize=15) a.set_ylabel("log$\epsilon$(Fe)", fontsize=15) pred_xs = np.array([np.min(np.concatenate(xs[i], axis=0)), np.max(np.concatenate(xs[i], axis=0))]) pred_a1s = popts[i][1] + popts[i][0] * pred_xs a.plot(pred_xs, pred_a1s, color=cs[0], linestyle="--", linewidth=2, label="FeI log$\epsilon$(Fe)vs %s: %.2e $\pm$ %.2e" % (xlabels[i], fit_pars[i][0], fit_pars[i][1])) a.legend(loc="upper right", frameon=False) a.set_xlim(pred_xs[0]-0.02, pred_xs[1]+0.02) plt.subplots_adjust() return fig
[docs]def plot_results_brute(result, grid, best_vals=True, varlabels=None, output=None): """Visualize the result of the optimization results. The output file will display the chi-square value per parameter and contour plots for all combination of two parameters. Inspired by the `corner` package ( Parameters ---------- result : :class:`~lmfit.minimizer.MinimizerResult` Contains the results from the :meth:`brute` method. best_vals : bool, dict Whether to show the best values from the grid search (default is True). if this is a bool, then the parameters in result will be used for ploting; if this a dictionary then values in this dictionary will be used for ploting. varlabels : list, optional If None (default), use `result.var_names` as axis labels, otherwise use the names specified in `varlabels`. output : str, optional Name of the output PDF file (default is 'None') Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure plot for element-wise objective function values at proposed grid points """ from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse npars = len(result['var_names']) _fig, axes = plt.subplots(npars, npars, figsize=(11,9)) if not varlabels: varlabels = result['var_names'] if best_vals and isinstance(best_vals, bool): best_vals = np.transpose([result["ScipyOptimizeResult"].x, result["ScipyOptimizeResult"].stderrs]) if best_vals and isinstance(best_vals, dict): best_vals = np.array([[best_vals["Teff"][0], best_vals["Teff"][1]], [best_vals["logg"][0], best_vals["logg"][1]], [best_vals["Vmic"][0], best_vals["Vmic"][1]]]) for i, par1 in enumerate(result['var_names']): for j, par2 in enumerate(result['var_names']): # parameter vs chi2 in case of only one parameter if npars == 1: axes.plot(result.brute_grid, result.brute_Jout, 'o', ms=3) axes.set_ylabel(r'$\chi^{2}$') axes.set_xlabel(varlabels[i]) if best_vals: axes.axvline(best_vals[par1].value, ls='dashed', color='r') # parameter vs chi2 profile on top elif i == j and j < npars-1: if i == 0: axes[0, 0].axis('off') ax = axes[i, j+1] red_axis = tuple([a for a in range(npars) if a != i]) ax.plot(np.unique(grid[i]), np.minimum.reduce(grid[3], axis=red_axis), 'o', ms=3, color="k") ax.set_ylabel(r'$\chi^{2}$', fontsize=15) ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') ax.set_xticks([]) if best_vals.all(): ax.axvline(best_vals[i][0], ls='dashed', color='r') ax.axvspan(best_vals[i][0] - best_vals[i][1], best_vals[i][0] + best_vals[i][1], alpha=0.5, color='red') # parameter vs chi2 profile on the left elif j == 0 and i > 0: ax = axes[i, j] red_axis = tuple([a for a in range(npars) if a != i]) ax.plot(np.minimum.reduce(grid[3], axis=red_axis), np.unique(grid[i]), 'o', ms=3, color="k") ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_ylabel(varlabels[i], fontsize=15) if i != npars-1: ax.set_xticks([]) elif i == npars-1: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\chi^{2}$', fontsize=15) if best_vals.all(): ax.axhline(best_vals[i][0], ls='dashed', color='r') ax.axhspan(best_vals[i][0] - best_vals[i][1], best_vals[i][0] + best_vals[i][1], alpha=0.5, color='red') # contour plots for all combinations of two parameters elif j > i: ax = axes[j, i+1] red_axis = tuple([a for a in range(npars) if a not in (i, j)]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.unique(grid[i]), np.unique(grid[j])) lvls1 = np.linspace(grid[3].min(), np.median(grid[3])/2.0, 7, dtype='int') lvls2 = np.linspace(np.median(grid[3])/2.0, np.median(grid[3]), 3, dtype='int') lvls = np.unique(np.concatenate((lvls1, lvls2))) cf = ax.contourf(X.T, Y.T, np.minimum.reduce(grid[3], axis=red_axis), lvls, levels=np.arange(0, 50, 2), cmap="RdBu_r", extend="max") #cf.cmap.set_over('k') cf.set_clim(0, 50) ax.set_yticks([]) if best_vals.all(): ax.axvline(best_vals[i][0], ls='dashed', color='r') ax.axhline(best_vals[j][0], ls='dashed', color='r') ax.plot(best_vals[i][0], best_vals[j][0], 'rs', ms=3) ellipse = Ellipse(xy=(best_vals[i][0], best_vals[j][0]), width=best_vals[i][1], height=best_vals[j][1], edgecolor='r', fc='None', lw=2, alpha=1.0) ax.add_patch(ellipse) if j != npars-1: ax.set_xticks([]) elif j == npars-1: ax.set_xlabel(varlabels[i],fontsize=15) if j - i >= 2: axes[i, j].axis('off') _fig.colorbar(cf, ax=axes, pad=0.1) if output is not None: plt.savefig(output) return _fig
def plot_ewdiff_vs_stellar_parameters(df, line): plt.rc('axes', linewidth=2) plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.visible']=True plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.visible']=True fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(12,10)) wl, exp, ion = line.split("_") for a in ax: a.linewidth = 5 a.tick_params(axis="x", which="major", size=5, width=2.5, labelsize=10, direction="in") a.tick_params(axis="y", which="major", size=5, width=2.5, labelsize=10, direction="in") a.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', size=3, width=1.5, labelsize=5, direction="in") a.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', size=3, width=1.5, labelsize=5, direction="in") xlabels = ['$T_{eff}(K)$', '$log\mathcal{g}(cm\cdot s^{-2})$', '$[Fe/H]$', '$v_{mic}(km\cdot s^{-1})$'] for i, p in enumerate(['Teff', 'logg', 'feh', 'vt']): ax[i].set_xlabel(xlabels[i], fontsize=15) groupby_df = df.groupby(p) x = list(groupby_df.indices.keys()) y_lte, yerr_lte = groupby_df.mean()['delta_lte'].values, groupby_df.std()['delta_lte'].values y_nlte, yerr_nlte = groupby_df.mean()['delta_nlte'].values, groupby_df.std()['delta_nlte'].values ax[i].errorbar(x, y_lte, yerr = yerr_lte, color="black", fmt="o", capsize=2, alpha=1, ms=3, label="LTE") ax[i].errorbar(x, y_nlte, yerr = yerr_nlte, color="red", fmt="o", capsize=2, alpha=1, ms=3, label="Non-LTE") ax[i].axhline(0, ls="--", ms=3, c="grey") if i == 0: ax[i].set_title(r"$\lambda={0:s}(\AA)$, ExPot={1:s}ev, Ion={2:s}".format(wl,exp,ion), fontsize=20) ax[i].legend(frameon=False) fig.text(0.065, 0.5, r"$\overline{EW_{theo} - EW_{inter}}(m\AA)$", va='center', rotation='vertical', fontsize=15) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) return fig